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Hírkategória: Általános
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    Call for participation, ICUFUND Survey
    Dear Colleagues,

    On behalf of the ESICM Health Economics Research Group, let me invite you to participate in our ICUFUND Survey! The aim of this project is to better understand the different methods of reimbursement in use in European intensive care units. To this end, we have designed a questionnaire that we would like you to complete. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

    The way in which intensive care is reimbursed has recently changed in many European countries in order to meet the increasing cost of health care. It is well known that different methods of reimbursement are in use between countries, however, there is presently little information available on how these methods compare to one another and the relative merits of each.

    The information provided by your participation will also help us to design a prospective study exploring the predictive accuracy of different intensive care reimbursement systems.

    Please click on the weblink below to access ICUFUND
    Survey >>

    The deadline for completion of the questionnaire is: 31 October 2007.

    We look forward to receiving your completed questionnaire!

    Akos Csomos
    Head of Health Economics Research Group

    Kapcsolódó dokumentumok(1)
